Joseph Haydn’s 96th symphony is called ‘miracle’. It received this nickname after it’s premiere, when a giant chandelier fell from the ceiling, and nobody was killed or even hurt. He also has a symphony called ‘Surprise’, because there is a very loud chord in the middle of a quiet section, that startled everyone in the audience.

In 1949, J.R.R. Tolkien finished his epic The Lord of the Rings. It's a story about a ring that grants its master control over the world, but at the same time corrupts the mind of whoever carries it. In 1874, Richard Wagner finished Der Ring des Nibelungen. It's a story about a ring that grants its master control over the world, but at the same time corrupts the mind of whoever carries it.
Enough said!

Long before Beatlemania, Franz Liszt was the very first rock-star in Europe. During and after concerts, women were fighting over his discarded cigarette butts, broken piano strings and music sheets.
Really attractive, isn't it?




Musicians are arguably all a bit mad in the head. This is certainly true for Ludwig van Beethoven. There are various reports of Beethoven becoming increasingly... unmanageable in his later life. He hardly had any friends, drank a lot, and didn't care about trivial things as basic hygene. One acquaintaince of Beethoven's reported that he saw Beethoven being arrested because he was dressed as a homeless person and peering into people's windows.